Saturday 16 April 2011

trait #1

Just so you wonderful lot get to know me better, (this is, if you'd like to) I'm going to post a picture that explains one trait of my personality very well.

If anything, the first thing people don't really get to know about me is that I am probably the only kid in the whole world to laugh at puns. I love lame jokes. Punny jokes get me. They hit my funny bone directly, and I'm usually the one left guffawing helplessly while everyone else looks away and pretends they don't know me. For example, my favourite joke speaks of the man and a bar.

"The man walked into a bar. Ouch."

Isn't that hilarious? When I first found this joke, I laughed at the computer until I was in tears.

"I wondered why the baseball was getting bigger-then it hit me." I chuckled there.

"Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana." (Get it? Fruit flies? Hahahaahahah. That was meant for you and your science summative, Kyleen.)

People roll their eyes but I am constantly in awe of their wit. It's not just trashy comedy where references to the human body are made every five minutes.

They're not bawdy jokes. It's well-thought-out and intelligent. At least, to me.

"To write with a broken pencil is pointless." Well, isn't it? The pencil itself doesn't have a point, and it's pointless in the fact that broken pencils cannot serve their purpose!

Okay. Enough from me here.

Thanks for reading, darlings!


  1. I laugh at your laughter when you laugh at lame jokes and I end up at laughing at the joke (:

  2. LOLOLOL thanks...
    my fruit actually didnt attract flies. I kept it under wraps. (:

  3. this explains why you laughed hysterically after hi, you are.

  4. exactly!
    this post basically explains all my behaviour.;)
    my future friends should read this as fair warning.(:
    and LOL suzy (:♥
