Wednesday 1 June 2011

Nostalgia, con't con't con't.

Long term memory can store large chunks of information for an extremely long duration. A long-term memory stored, has the potential to be remembered for perhaps all of one's life. Through repetition, information like telephone numbers, or your childhood home phone number, can be stored in the long-term memory.

Short-term memory uses audio to store information, as I mentioned earlier; long-term memory stores ideas and information by association/meaning. In 1966, Baddeley realized that his test subjects in general had more difficulty remembering words with similar meanings, even after they had been repeated several times.

While short-term memory is controlled by regions of the frontal and parietal lobe, long-term memory is stored with the help of the hippocampus. Without the hippocampus (I love this name), new memories cannot be stored as long-term memory, and the individual has a short attention span.

One little fact: SLEEP is important when trying to consolidate information. Numerous studies have shown that memory has a link to getting sleep between the time in which the information is absorbed, and the actual test in which the information is retracted.

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