Sunday 1 May 2011

i wonder what it'd be like.
to feel weightless for a couple seconds,
to be suspended, flying. free.
to glance at birds chirping past like, "hey, what is this big kid doing up here?"

to look out and have the time stopped for a moment for you to take in all the beauty around you. to feel the wind caressing your face.
to feel like you have every single freaking thing in the world by your fingertips,
as if all your problems are diminished and minimized--not by someone else, but by you, you who have suffered through more than you can bear.
to feel as though every thought, every action you ever did, wrong or right, is deemed little, deemed small, deemed insignificant, because you're on top of the world.
or would you feel the pull of gravity? would you feel it tugging on you, like a
dark poison, dragging you down to earth?
would the wind feel like a blanket pressed upon your face? would the sky feel gray and
blank? because up there you are so close, so close.
you can touch these strands of sky that are coming loose. and once you
pull, they furl around your neck and pull tighter. cut off your circulation.
squeeze your airway.
the seams of the clouds are ripping loose. the cumulus clouds they wrap around your head and suffocate you with mounds of cotton.

so tell me, young person, are you willing to risk it?
are you willing to have your air stolen from your lungs as you fly?
are you prepared for the sky to go colourless?
are you ready to get let down?
yes? well, then perfect, child.
you are well-prepared for the world.

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